Promoting Public Safety in Northeastern Mississippi: Strategies for a Safer Community

In northeastern Mississippi, a number of initiatives have been implemented to ensure public safety and protect citizens from crime. Operation STOP (Safe Passenger Transport) is one such program that works to promote safe driving near schools and patrol school buses. NeighborhoodStat is another program that collaborates with city leaders and residents to address public safety issues in a way that directly responds to community needs. To further this effort, the Mississippi Law Enforcement Symposium will be held on July 20 in Tunica, MS.

This event will explore the need for inclusive community participation strategies, analyze the benefits that NeighborhoodStat has had for communities in New York City, and identify lessons learned to inform other cities on how to strengthen security through community empowerment. The Cybercrime Safety Network (CSN) is a nonprofit organization funded in Mississippi through a grant from the MS VOCA (crime victims law) and associated with United Way, Capital City. This organization provides resources to help protect citizens from cybercrime. Additionally, the Mississippi Municipal League Excellence Awards program recognizes cities and towns for meeting municipal government challenges through innovative problem solving, excellence in management, citizen participation, and efforts to provide a higher level of service. Government investments that focus on addressing underlying social needs can help strengthen public safety, as can investments that improve the community's physical environment. The Mississippi State Department of Health's Office of Tobacco Control is providing technical assistance funds to local and county governments interested in educating their citizens about the benefits of smoke-free air and the protections of comprehensive air policies (free of smoke, vapor, and aerosols).

The governor's office has also launched a portal on the Mississippi Development Authority website that allows cities and counties to propose census tracts for inclusion in nominations. The Mississippi Urban Forestry Council and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality have partnered to create a new program to help communities protect their citizens. Destination Downtown is a regional conference sponsored by Louisiana Main Street, Mississippi Main Street Association and Main Street Arkansas, which attracts more than 200 preservation-based business district revitalization professionals. This event is designed for operators, administrators, and board members of Mississippi based drinking water companies. It is named in honor of LeadersLink's first disaster mentor, Tommy Longo, former mayor of Waveland, Mississippi. In conclusion, there are many strategies being used to promote public safety in northeastern Mississippi communities.

These include Operation STOP (Safe Passenger Transport), NeighborhoodStat, Cybercrime Safety Network (CSN), Mississippi Municipal League Excellence Awards program, Destination Downtown conference, and the Mississippi Urban Forestry Council and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality program. All of these initiatives are designed to help protect citizens from crime and create a safe environment for all.

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