Making a Difference in Northeastern Mississippi

Are you looking for ways to make a positive impact in Northeastern Mississippi? There are plenty of opportunities to do so, from large organizations such as Mississippi Methodist Services for the Elderly and the Community Institute, to smaller faith-based organizations like Heartland Hands. Whatever your passion for making a difference in the world and in the lives of others, you can find plenty of ways to get involved. The Community Services Directory can help you get started if you're interested in serving communities in Northern Mississippi or participating in the Lafayette-Oxford University area. The University of Mississippi is also committed to transforming the state through service, as described in their Strategic Plan.

Hunger2Hope is a 501 (c), 3 nonprofit organization located in DeSoto County, that exists to provide nutritional, emotional, and spiritual support to students whose families are facing difficult times. Their mission is to relieve pressure for basic needs and awaken curiosity for the hope and love of Christ, while closing the gap for local churches and organizations to serve as one. The McLean Institute for Public Service and Community Participation seeks to make community participation a distinctive part of the educational culture of the University of Mississippi through its work to combat poverty through education.

Heartland Hands

is a faith-based organization committed to the health and economic growth of the North Mississippi community.

They offer a variety of programs and services that help individuals and families in need. If you're looking for ways to make a difference in Northeastern Mississippi, Heartland Hands is an excellent place to start.

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